Caro Maestro, 2018 by Fina - Six Bottles in a Wooden Box- Labor Day sale

  • $159.00
  • $210.00


Caro Maestro is a Bordeaux Blend. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Petite Verdot
Estate grown, organic by the Fina Family Winery is Western Sicily.
The name Caro Maestro means Dear Teacher. This is Bruno Fina's tribute to his teacher the great Giacomo Tachis.
Giacomo Tachis is renowned as the father of the Super Tuscan.

He was responsible for producing Sassicaia, Tignanello and Solaia with the Antinori family.
Marchese Piero Antinori said in 2011: ‘Giacomo Tachis was responsible for kickstarting an extraordinary period for Italian wine.’
For all his modernizing philosophy, however, Tachis also made clear that understood the need for balance.
He was against wine becoming too reliant on technology. ‘Too often, we forget that the greatness of a wine lies in its simplicity and authenticity,’ he said.
Tachis, who studied enology at Alba in Piedmont, also criticized globalization of wine styles. Despite supporting the use of Cabernet Sauvignon in Italy, he always held that terroir should be allowed to express itself.

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