We will use the information you provide to complete your order. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details
Where we ship
- All 50 U.S. States
Our Shipping Costs
- We charge the exact amount Fed-Ex calculates for your shipment
NOTE: We make no representation to the legal rights of anyone to ship or import wine into any state. All wines are sold in the state that we ship them from and title passes to the buyer in that state. The buyer is solely responsible for shipment of the wine.
- When your wine is delivered, the person receiving delivery will be required to show identification, proving that he or she is at least 21 years old.
- Unless otherwise noted, all bottle sizes are 750ML
- Vintages and ratings subject to change at any time.
- All pricing and availability subject to change.
- The State of Ohio has minimum prices for wines.
- Prices for the State on Ohio maybe more.
- Please call or email for Ohio Prices
Please see Our Terms & Conditions for more details
If you have any questions, please call us toll free at: 440 812 3776
Have a question, or want a product recommendation? Get in touch.