Frabianco, 2022 By Judeka in Sicily

  • $15.99
  • $24.00


From the Vittoria area of Sicily.

A White wine made from the red grape Frappato.

The wine is a little Frizzante, a little sparkle

This is an excellent white wines

Organic and Biodynamic

Ciao Daniel

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Carl Cadregari
A white fizzy Frappato? Oh, I just had to buy it!

Looking for an off the beaten path wine? Yep, here you go! I love Frappato, juicy red fruited with a minerally character, food friendly, just a lovely wine, so how would a almost no skin contact white one with a fun bit of fiz work? Oh, yeah skippy, very well! The wine has the barest blush of pink in the glass, its fiz is very gentile, even softer than an Asti. Its just off dry, with a strawberry candied note, a bit of lemon, and orange peel along with a slight wet rock touch. So drinkable! Medium bodied (the fiz makes it feel bigger though) nice medium finish and a solid hit of acidity to help clear off your palate. Fun and playful wine! I just bought more to keep for the next warm day on the porch! One caution, take your time pulling the cork, it's bigger at the end than the top of the neck and make sure its chilled!

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