Olive Oil 500 ML , 2023 By Domaine Saint Vincent, Rhone, France

  • $26.00
  • $29.99


Olive oil, golden green in color and finely fruity, is characterized by dominant aromas of hazelnut and apple, which give it a unique taste.

 Nyons PDO olive oil is a smooth and fine oil. It is protected by a Protected Designation of Origin since a decree taken by the INAO on January 10th, 1994, and is produced in the vicinity of Nyons, in the south of the department of Drôme (Southern France).


Tanche » is the emblematic variety of the « Pays de Nyons and the Baronnies Provençales ». It is the only variety that has been able to acclimatize so well in Drôme Provençale.


Nyons PDO oli

PDO Nyons olive oil is perfect for seasoning summer salads, or as a condiment on hot dishes (gri

 lled fish, poultry), but it is better to avoid using it in cooking, in order to preserve all of the aromas.



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